Professor Malcolm Davies

Professor Malcolm Davies

Emeritus Research Fellow in Classics


I am an Emeritus Research Fellow in Classics at St John's College.

Research Interests

I have a wide range of research interests within Ancient Greek literature which are reflected by my publications.

Malcolm Davies_Lyric Fragments_high res

I am particularly interested in Homer and early epic poetry: Epicorum Graecorum Fragmenta (Göttingen, 1988) and The Greek Epic Cycle (Bloomsbury, 1989); in Greek lyric poetry: Poetarum Melicorum Fragmenta, Vol I (Oxford, 1991) and Poems of Stesichorus (with Patrick Finglass) published by Cambridge University Press in 2014; and in Greek tragedy: Sophocles Trachiniae (Oxford, 1991).

I have also collaborated with J. Kathirithamby to produce Greek Insects (Duckworth, 1986), and I'm interested in the influence of Greek tragedy upon such nineteenth- and twentieth-century opera composers as Richard Wagner and Richard Strauss.

Published papers include The three Electras: Sophocles, Hofmannsthal, Strauss and the tragic vision (Antike und Abendland, vol. 45, no. 1, 1999, pp. 36-65) and an interesting recent article, Achaeus' Olympion Symposium in ‘Dancing Wisteria’, 1: 213–23 (M. Kubo Festschrift, 2020).

The third of the series of Epic commentaries, Cypria, was published by Harvard University Press in July 2019 and Commentary on the Lesser and Anonymous Greek Lyric Fragments was published in 2021 by Oxford University Press.

I am currently finishing the accompanying volume of the edition of the texts as companion to the above commentary. This will be published by Oxford University Press in 2022, or thereafter.

The Little Iliad, the Sack of Troy, the Return of the Heroes and Telegony will be published in 2023, by Harvard University Press.

The Hero’s Life Choice, Studies on Hercules at the Crossroads, the Judgment of Paris and their Reception will be published by Brill in 2023.

I have completed an important article on vase paintings of the purification of Orestes at Delphi and am now working on a book to be titled Homer's Iliad and folktale.