The Development and Alumni Relations team is here to help you.

For general enquiries please contact us at:
Development and Alumni Relations
St John’s College 
St Giles
Oxford OX1 3JP

01865 610 885
For more specific enquiries, please reach out to one of the team members below who will be happy to help you.

Robert Crow
Director of Development and Alumni Relations 01865 610 886
I lead St John’s Development and Alumni Relations team, oversee the College’s strategies for fundraising and alumni engagement and work with donors on major projects. I am a Supernumerary Fellow of the College.

Jo Bason
Deputy Development Director - Alumni and Operations 01865 610 889
I am responsible for the alumni programme at St John’s. I ensure St John’s alumni, donors, and friends are connected with each other and with the College. We deliver a programme of in-person and online events, publications and communications. I also work closely with my Development colleagues to provide opportunities for fundraising and philanthropic support. I welcome any opportunity to meet with St John’s alumni, donors and friends and look forward to hearing from you, particularly in relation to St John’s donor recognition and stewardship, alumni communications and events.

Jessica Dowling
Development and Alumni Relations Officer 01865 610 885
I am responsible for overseeing the room bookings at Alumni House, I arrange Formal Hall bookings, along with the administration involved with Gift Processing. Alongside my Development and Alumni Relations colleagues, we answer queries from alumni about a whole range of topics.

Heather Edwards
Deputy Development Director - Philanthropy 01865 610 880
I am responsible for facilitating philanthropic support for the College for major projects, covering areas from scholarships and Fellowships to outreach programmes and buildings. I also work closely with Alumni Relations colleagues to connect donors with the impact of their giving and the wider College community. If you are interested in making a gift to St John’s, or have any questions about philanthropy at the College, I would be delighted to hear from you.

Rebecca Ferry
Alumni and Benefactor Relations Manager 01865 610 873
I am responsible for keeping our community of alumni and friends up to date with everything happening at St John’s. Along with the team, I deliver a busy schedule of events, write the alumni e-newsletter, and answer queries from alumni about a whole range of topics. I also work closely with the St John’s Women’s Network to deliver their annual programme of events and communications. Please contact me if you have a piece of news you would like to share with the St John’s community, if you would like to join the Women’s Network or if you would like to know more about any of our events.

Sophie Parkinson
Development Manager - Philanthropy 01865 610857
I am responsible for facilitating philanthropic support for the College from individual donors and legators, as well as managing the regular giving programme and giving societies. I work closely with my Alumni Relations colleagues to connect donors with the impact of their giving and the wider College community. If you are interested in making a gift to the College or would like to find out more about the impact of your donations please do get in touch, we would love to hear from you.