Women in Middle Eastern Society: an exhibition devoted to the works of Middle Eastern artists

Please join us for the launch of the latest exhibition in our Barn Gallery space.
  • Date 15 July 2022 - 6.30 p.m. - 15 July 2022 - 10.00 p.m.
  • Location Barn Gallery, St Giles, OX1 3JP

This exhibition focuses on celebrating the arts, Middle Eastern culture and the role of women in Middle Eastern cultures, offering a unique opportunity to see artwork from across the world. The exhibition includes a drinks reception and live Persian Instrumental Music by Peyman Heydarian (پیمانحیدریان), a renowned award-winning composer, musical scientist and santur performer.

This important exhibition aims to provide a thought-provoking setting to champion women in the Middle East and advocate for them to have a direct voice on critically influential matters that affect the foundations of their societies. At this exhibition, the organisers hope to take one step forward to changing the historic status-quo by giving women from the region a greater voice through their art.

For more information and to purchase your tickets, please click the following link: Oxford-Middle Eastern Art Exhibition tickets on Friday 15 Jul | Oxford University Iranian Society | FIXR.