The 2019 Mapleton-Bree Prize for work in the Creative Arts
The Mapleton-Bree Prize is awarded annually for a piece of creative work by any junior member of St John's.
The judges for 2019 included a Fellow, the Artist in Residence, two JCR Art Reps and a member of the Communications team.
This year there was a record number of 27 entries, covering drawing, painting, drama, poetry, music and photography. The diversity and standard was particularly high, with an exceptionally strong field in music of impressive variety. However, the judges were unanimous in awarding the prize of £350 to Noam for his two piano compositions, Les Nuages au Bord and L'Aube sous la Lune, which can be heard below.
There were special commendations for Oscar Lyons, Greta Sharp and Eiko Soga, who each receive £50.