The film that was made as part of Professor Dorothy Bishop and Professor Maggie Snowling's campaign to raise awareness of DLD (Developmental Language Disorder) has won in its category at the recent Charity Film Awards.

DLD Awareness Dorothy BishopAt a gala event on 11 May at Central Hall, Westminster the honours were handed out to winning charity films in several categories, according to the annual turnover of each charity – ranging from under £10,000 to over £50m. The small charity RADLD (Raising Awareness of Developmental Language Disorder) was set up to spread the word about this condition, which is little known but affects about two children in every classroom in the UK. 

In the words of the judges their film, DLD 1-2-3, was ‘fluent, unpretentious, informative and engaging, and well designed for sharing.’

Watch the winning film here.
Read more about DLD here.