Ivan Jim Paul awarded distinction in National Undergraduate Neuroanatomy Competition 2021
The NUNC is an annual competition open to all medical
students in the UK and Ireland. It first started in 2013, and has since run
annually at the University of Southampton, although this year it took place
virtually. It now attracts over 150 students. The competition has 3 main
components: a neuroanatomy spotter examination, a clinically-orientated
multiple-choice examination and series of talks from on aspects of
neuroscience. Although this year the event went fully digital, the format
remained the same, with exams taking place via an online portal and talks
happening over Zoom.
In preparation for the event Ivan was supported by
his tutor, Professor Zoltan Molnar, Tutorial
Fellow at St John’s and the organiser of the Neuroanatomy Practicals for 2nd
year medical students at Oxford. The team were
also delighted to have the support of Oliver Bredemeyer, a runner up in last year’s competition, who was kind enough to share his experience of the NUNC
2020 to help the team prepare for this year’s competition.
Zoltan Molnar said: “The National Undergraduate Competition is an excellent
event where students can gain additional experience in neuro imaging,
histology, clinical case histories and gross anatomy. Participation is
voluntary. I am delighted to see how well Ivan and other Oxford students
performed and was particularly pleased to see that Oliver Bredemeyer, last
year’s runner up from St John’s College helped the preparations showing great
leadership. We shall build on this success and continue to nurture a
supportive and interactive medical student community at Oxford.”
Please join us in congratulating Ivan on his impressive achievement!