Three weeks into Picture This! we have another winner.

Congratulations to Hadassah Buechner on winning this week’s prize in our College Photo Competition, Picture This!  Hadassah is a third year Biomedical Sciences student and she wins a £50 Amazon voucher.

Photo Competition winner week 3 Trinity 18Hadassah won with this lovely atmospheric photo taken in the gardens early one morning.

There will be a competition winner each week of Trinity, Michaelmas and Hilary terms 2018-19, and a separate winner at the end of each term.

Thanks to everyone who has entered the competition so far, both students and staff: there were great images to choose between. Some are included in the Gallery below.

The competition is open to all current students, Fellows and staff of the College, so we encourage everyone to start getting creative and enter. 

For Week 4 of the competition, we are looking for photos with St John's people in them! We will choose a winning photo from the competition categories 'College Community' and 'A Slice of Student Life'. 

Full details of the Photo Competition here.

Picture This! A selection of the best entries so far