Picture This! Last term's winners and the new term's first entries.
The winner in 7th–8th Week last term is Roger Buckingham from the Works Department, with a reminder of the fate awaiting those who step onto the newly-laid lawns.
The first winner of this term is Stas Butler (fourth-year European and Middle Eastern Languages student): a grotesque looks anxiously over North Quad. Perhaps he has a deadline approaching?
These two entries each receive a £50 Amazon voucher.
The overall winner from Michaelmas term is graduate student Ruby-Anne Birin for her beautiful 'Globe in the Old Library' entry. We would like to thank Ruby-Anne for submitting lovely images both regularly and consistently. Congratulations on her £100 Amazon voucher.
We look forward to more high-quality entries, especially photos which showcase the various aspects of life in College. The competition is open to all current students, Fellows and staff of the College – do enter!