Chao He
Dr. Chao He completed his DPhil degree in the Department of Engineering Science at the University of Oxford from 2018-2020 (within 2 years). He also serves as a doctoral supervisor.
Research Interests
Dr. Chao He's research interest is in developing advanced electrical/optical techniques for various applications, with an emphasis on polarisation optics for biomedical imaging and clinical diagnosis (e.g., label-free cancer detection via polarisation information).
Recent Publications
Chao He*, Honghui He*, Jintao Chang, Binguo Chen, Hui Ma, and Martin J. Booth*, “Polarisation optics for biomedical and clinical applications: a review”, Light: Science & Applications, 10.1 (2021): 1-20. (IF 17.78; Springer Nature)
Chao He*, Jintao Chang, Qi Hu, Jingyu Wang, Jacopo Antonello, Honghui He, Shaoxiong Liu, Jianyu Lin, Ben Dai, Daniel. S. Elson, Peng Xi, Hui Ma, and Martin J Booth*, “Complex vectorial optics through gradient index lens cascades,” Nature Communications, 10.1 (2019): 1-8. (IF 14.92; Springer Nature)