Professor David Stirzaker
I used to give tutorials in various branches of pure and applied mathematics including, for example:- probability, random processes, statistics, applied analysis, and functions of a complex variable. I have written, severally and jointly, five textbooks on probability and random processes, ranging from elementary and introductory up to graduate level. [Published by Cambridge University Press and Oxford University Press].
Research Interests
I am interested in probability and its ramifications. I have recently completed 'The Cambridge Dictionary of Probability and its Applications'; and at the American Publishers Association 2016 PROSE awards for excellence in scholarly publishing, this book was runner-up in the Mathematics category. Even more recently, these two books have been published by OUP:
And the first of the above two books was also a Finalist at the American Publishers Association 2021 PROSE awards for excellence in scholarly publishing.
Other recent research activity appears in these: