Joel Ouaknine

Joel Ouaknine

Formerly Fellow and Tutor in Computer Science Scientific Director at Max Planck Institute for Software Systems


I started out in Mathematics, earning a BSc and MSc from McGill University, and received a PhD in Computer Science from Oxford in 2001. I subsequently did postdoctoral work at Tulane University and Carnegie Mellon University, and more recently held a visiting professorship at the Ecole Normale Superieure in Cachan, France. In 2009 I was awarded an EPSRC Leadership Fellowship, enabling me to focus (almost) exclusively on research for a period of five years. I received the 2010 Roger Needham Award, given annually "for a distinguished research contribution in Computer Science by a UK-based researcher within ten years of his or her PhD". My research interests include the verification of real-time, probabilistic, and infinite-state systems (e.g. model-checking algorithms, decision problems, complexity), logic and applications to verification, linear dynamical systems, automated software analysis, concurrency, and theoretical computer science. I was awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant in 2015. Since August 2016 I have joined the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS) in Saarbruecken as Scientific Director.