The Revd. Dr Elizabeth Macfarlane MA, DPhil Oxon
I care for all college members and staff, of every faith and none, and am always available to listen. Anyone may come and talk to me in confidence, about any matter of concern, and whilst as Chaplain I have a spiritual role within College, I won’t impose a religious agenda.
I read English language and literature as an undergraduate, and took Theology Schools as part of my ordination training. My first post in the church was in Watford, after which I moved to be a vicar in Marlow. During this time, I researched and wrote my D.Phil on nineteenth-century commemorations of the pre-Conquest British saints, work which has gradually broadened to encompass commemorative culture and forms of medievalism.
I am always pleased to see anyone who knocks on my door (Front Quad 1:1) in search of coffee, tea or conversation.