St John’s is a vibrant, international and socially diverse College community. We are proud of the breadth of ideas, experience and cultures which are shared by members of our College. Through our teaching and research, we seek to transform lives and to have an impact on society throughout the world.

Philanthropic support has enabled St John’s to thrive as a centre of academic excellence for over four and a half centuries.  From the Founder, Sir Thomas White, onwards, gifts from alumni and friends have had a transformative impact on every aspect of the College. 

This remains true today, with philanthropy underpinning many of the College’s activities, from the financial support we provide to our students, our many graduate scholarships, and our access and outreach activities to the tutorial system itself, the world-class research conducted by our Fellows, and our exceptional buildings and facilities. 

You can read about our current fundraising priorities and make a gift in the sections below. If you have any questions or would like to discuss the options available please contact the Development Office by  email  or by telephone: 01865 610 885.

Unrestricted gifts help to ensure that resources are allocated effectively where they can make the most impact. Giving to where the need is greatest provides us with the flexibility to respond to changing circumstances and opportunities to ensure that the we can continue to attract students of the highest academic ability, regardless of background, and enable them to reach their potential by providing world-class teaching and facilities.

Click here to make a gift to support the area of greatest need.

St John’s has a number of measures in place to ensure that no student is prevented from making the most of their time in College because of financial constraints.  All students have access to a range of grants to support their academic activities, and the College provides both hardship funding and means-tested bursaries for undergraduate students, and around 70 scholarships for graduate students.  These measures are essential to ensure that the College can continue to attract the very best students regardless of their financial circumstances. 

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Click here to make a gift to Student Support.

‘It is a real privilege to study for a Geography DPhil at Oxford and it would not be possible without your support...I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to be a student in this special place.’ Alice Watson, (2018, Geography and the Environment) 

MT19 access summary - Inspire Year 12

St John’s is committed to ensuring that the best and brightest young people, from all backgrounds, are able to access the world-class education for which the College is renowned.  St John’s has a range of access and outreach activities including the Inspire Programme, which works with pupils in schools across our linked regions of Ealing, Harrow, East and West Sussex and Brighton & Hove to raise aspirations, improve confidence, and support applications to leading universities like Oxford.  Through this programme the College aims to make a St John’s education open and accessible to all high-achieving pupils. 

Click here to make a gift to Access and Outreach.

‘I feel this programme really helps to give us all that extra push so that we can extend to the best of our abilities because we are all capable. This just gives us more knowledge which helps to make us understand a variety of subjects.’ Pupil participant from Ealing  

The tutorial system is at the heart of St John’s.  It is what distinguishes Oxford and Cambridge from all other universities and for many undergraduates it is the core of their university experience.  St John’s world-class tutors are central to the College’s reputation for academic excellence but the system is expensive to maintain and certain subjects face funding challenges.  The support of alumni and friends helps to guarantee that St John’s will be able to maintain its exceptional tutorial provision in all the subjects it offers for the long term. 

Click here to make a gift to the Tutorial System.

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‘As a new undergraduate from a small state grammar school in rural Norfolk, I felt extremely fortunate to be coming to Oxford to study Chemistry and have a place at St John’s. I soon realised that St John’s is a very special place – because of the facilities, the architecture, the gardens, and above all the quality of the tutorial teaching I received.’ The Late Dr Michael Prior (1974, Chemistry) 

College life is a unique and integral part of the student experience at St John's. Besides student support and the tutorial system, many alumni choose to support other areas of College life: buildings and facilities as well as our libraries, the chapel and choir, and the boat club. Gifts towards College life contribute to the strong community spirit felt at St John's, ensuring students have a full and well-rounded experience and enhances their day-to-day life.

Library & Study Centre

Click here to make a gift to the Library and Study Centre.

Click here to make a gift to the Boat Club.

Click here to make a gift to the Buildings and Environment.

Click here to make a gift towards the Chapel and Choir.

‘The Library & Study Centre has been universally popular among the students; many appreciate the great natural light, peaceful atmosphere for studying and the beautiful design of the interior spaces.  The stunning view across the garden from the Upper Reading Room and the Mark Bedingham Seminar Room are often particularly appreciated.’ Dr Petra Hofmann, College Librarian  

If you would like to discuss your gift further please contact the Development Office