St John's is delighted to welcome back alumni to celebrate their Gaudy!
" Gaudy (noun): A celebratory dinner or entertainment held by a college for old members " Oxford Dictionary

Gaudies are an opportunity for St John's to invite groups of alumni back to College and host drinks and dinner, with the option to stay overnight in College.  This is a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with old friends and tutors, and we hope that you will be able to join us for your reunion.  Due to the popularity of Gaudies, we are regrettably unable to accommodate spouses, partners, or other guests. 

Invitations are sent out via email towards the end of the preceding year and will include information on how to book, timings and dress code.  Please make sure that we have your up to date contact details so we can send you an invitation.

Update your contact details online.

If you have any event feedback you would like to share with us, please do not hesitate to reach out via email

In light of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in 2020, the College took the decision to cancel all in-person events.  To mitigate the effect of these cancellations, the College decided to delay the Gaudy schedule. This means that Gaudies that were scheduled for 2020/2021 were held in 2022, and all that were scheduled for 2022 will be held in 2023, and so on. 

Provisional Gaudy dates

If you matriculated in 1961 or earlier, you will be invited to the biennial President's Lunch - similar to a Gaudy, this special occasion brings together all alumni who matriculated at St John's sixty or more years ago.  

Canterbury Quad Canterbury Quad in the evening.

Upcoming Events

Click here to find out if you have a Gaudy coming up soon.  

SJC Events