Inspire Digital is a hub for all the innovative content developed by the St John’s Inspire Programmes. Inspire Digital hosts our sustained-contact programmes, and also offers a wide range of resources for pupils, prospective students, teachers and parents and carers.

Visit the Inspire Digital site here.

Support for School Pupils:

Inspire Digital offers an extensive range of support for school pupils. Whether its Primary School pupils visiting the college for the first time, or Year 13’s learning about student finance, we have plenty of resources to inspire, engage, and support young people. This support predominantly comes from our sustained-contact Inspire Programmes, which you can learn about via the following page links:

Support for Prospective Students & Offer Holders:

Inspire Digital also provides resources for prospective students of the University of Oxford, and students who hold an offer to study at St John’s College. Our Offer Holders Page provides an extensive range of subject specific guidance, as well as advice on independent living and maximising the university experience.

We would love to hear from you:

The best way to discover everything that Inspire Digital has to offer is to explore it yourself, so please do explore! In the meantime, if you have any questions please email where we would be delighted to answer your questions.