How the World Agreed on Net Zero
On 23 May the Women's Network attended a lecture run by Gresham College by Professor Myles Allen examining the definitions of Net Zero, and the implications these differing definitions may have on our future.
Professor Myles Allen has connections to the College, and originally came to St John's in 1984 to read Physics and Philosophy. He has since become a preeminent climate scientist, now a Professor of Geosystem Science at Oxford and was dubbed by the BBC as 'the physicist behind net zero'. He explained the complex concepts and evidence in a thorough yet accessible way. He also discussed feasible solutions to the problem, ultimately ending on a proactive and optimistic tone, with hopes for keeping the energy industry accountable and investment in carbon capture.
The talk was part of a series of lectures for Gresham College on the environment by Professor Allen held in Holborn, Central London. The Women's Network attended the talk, and our group was comprised of a diverse cross-section of our members including current students, those with related professional experience, and other engaged network members hoping to learn more about the topic. After the lecture concluded, the Women's Network adjourned to a nearby pub, where the network was event graciously joined by Professor Allen. An engaged and lively multi-generational community discussion ensued - reminiscent of an evening in the Lamb and Flag!
The lecture can be watched here and all of Professor Allen's engaging lectures can be viewed here. Gresham College host a huge number of fascinating free lectures to the public so do consult their website for further details.