The St John's and the Colonial Past project hosts online exhibitions to share our findings as widely as possible.

'Colonial' Students at St John's College (1892–1963): an exhibition of archival sources

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From the 1870s onwards St John's College opened up to a wider range of students. Although their numbers were always small, through those students who came from the empire, the College became a genuinely global institution for the first time in its history.

This exhibition tells the story of some of those students.

Visit the exhibition here.

St John’s in the Empire/The Empire in St John’s: an exhibition of objects and photographs from St John’s and the Colonial Past

Silver cigar boxSt John’s in the Empire (online) is the digital counterpart to an exhibition of objects, photographs and texts in three cases on display at the St. John's College Library over Michaelmas Term (October-December) 2021. 

The exhibition seeks to recover, connect and reflect new light on just some of the many people, things, pictures and stories that bring home to us St John’s College’s role in the history of the British Empire, and the Empire’s part in the history of St John’s College.

Visit the exhibition here.