The Access Team also provides opportunities for St John's students during their studies, and are delighted to launch this new opportunity to gain professional skills and experience.

The Access and Admissions Office are delighted to welcome a team of interns to work with our team over the vacations. Our Inspire Internships offer current St John’s students the opportunity to experience a professional working environment, work on meaningful projects, and gain useful skills for their future careers.

July and August are an exciting and busy time for the Access Office, with Virtual Summer Schools, Residential Summer Schools, Open Days, Inspire Visit Days and collaborations with other access programmes taking place. We are also continually developing new and updated materials for our programmes, and so the contribution of the Inspire Interns is extremely valuable to the output of the office.

The Inspire Intern Scrapbook

" Working as part of the Access team has been a fulfilling experience, driven by a shared commitment to promoting educational equity and accessibility. " Patrick Ashmore - Access and Outreach Inspire Intern
" I loved being able to create new content for potential applicants, using social media to give greater insight into the reality of life in Oxford. It's so rewarding to demystify it for those trying to decide whether Oxford is somewhere they could imagine studying at. " Lucy Sarell, Social Media and Content Creation Inspire Intern

Who and what are the Inspire Internships for?

The Inspire Internships are for current St John’s undergraduate students, whatever the subject of their degree and future career aims. The Inspire Internships have been developed to support students’ progression into the working world by offering them training and project work that aid their professional development. The Inspire Internships also work to foster closer working relationships between College staff and students.

Inspire Internship Infographic

What do the Inspire Interns do?

While there are some tasks which require the efforts of all of the interns, each of the internships focusses on a particular set of tasks and training in accordance with their title.

All Inspire Interns take part in:

  • Training in general working skills (for example IT safety and Data, Implicit Bias, communication, and time management)
  • Workshops that help improve their performance when applying and interviewing for jobs (such as CV and cover letter workshops, and interview workshops)
  • An exciting workshop on communication and presentation run by the Oxford Playhouse
  • Attend office-wide meetings to discuss developments in all of our programmes

Depending on the internship role, interns also:

  • Create and run activity sessions for the Residential Summer Schools
  • Research and develop webpages for particular activities taking place on our Virtual Summer School
  • Develop social media strategy plans and enact them across the SJC Access social media channels
  • Re-design materials for our sustained-contact programmes using InDesign
  • Write news articles coving Access events for the SJC website

How do I apply to become an Inspire Intern?

Inspire Internships are advertised by the Access Office, and communicated via the student mailing list. The application process is competitive, and applicants will be asked to submit a CV and cover letter, as well as attending an interview.

This page will be updated when further internships are available.