How you can support the project
The total cost of the new Library & Study Centre is £19.6M, and the combined cost of the works on existing buildings will be in the order of £8.3M. The College has set a goal of raising up to £10M from donors, and we have already received a number of generous gifts towards our target.
The College is immensely proud of the benefactors who have supported its Library over the centuries. They are commemorated in the stained glass panels of the east window of the Old Library. In the coming years, St John's will honour and celebrate the gifts of all those who contribute to the new Library & Study Centre, as well as the associated works in the Old Library, the Laudian Library and the Paddy Room.
We will create a Benefactors' Panel, recording the names of everyone who has contributed, as a heartfelt and permanent gesture of gratitude. In the case of very generous gifts, the Fellows may consider naming a space permanently after a benefactor.
Benefactors can give to the project as a whole, or choose to support a particular element of it. All those who contribute will be invited to join the St John's Library Benefactors. They will be invited regularly to events at the Library focusing on different areas of the Special Collections. They will also receive invitations to Private Views of exhibitions and a termly newsletter about the latest library developments, including details of new acquisitions.
Your help will be greatly appreciated by everyone at St John's who will use the Library & Study Centre, both now and in the centuries to come.
If you would like to talk to us about making a contribution, please contact the Director of Development and Alumni Relations.