Simone is the JCR's Women's Officer for the 2020-21 Academic Year

Simone Dawes JPEG.jpgMy name's Simone (she/her) and I'm the current JCR Women's Officer from 2020-21. I'm in my second year studying English here at St John's. 

From an English perspective, it is evident to me that everyday life is gendered and caters to a masculine norm. Language, culture and outlook are all interconnected - this is why I'm so happy to be a part of the Women's Network in order to work at counteracting the way our gendered society affects the St John's women's community. 

Whilst 40 Years of Women is a huge accomplishment and to be celebrated, 40 years is still a tiny segment in the history of St John's. Through coming together and empowering our women at St John's, it is hoped that centuries of a mindset which barred women from merely being admitted to College may be well and truly reversed. 

I am interested in the way in which we can shift the narrative away from gendered norms and make the college as welcoming and safe a place as possible for all its women and transfeminine members. 

As for myself, you will most often find me walking round the college gardens on a clear day, carrying (too many) books across north quad or enjoying a much-needed coffee in the new TW cafe!