Latest Updates
Update 30: 23 October 2020
We are now on the final push of the Porters' Lodge - snagging, testing and commissioning.
Update 29: 16 October 2020
The reception area and other internal spaces in the new Lodge are nearing completion, and finishing touches are be…
Update 28: 9 October 2020
Final coats of lacquer are being applied, the student post room is ready for floor finishes, and the reception are…
Update 27: 2 October 2020
Fellows' pigeon holes have been installed, and second fix electrics are progressing well
Update 26: 25 September 2020
Inside the Lodge, painting is continuing, and the paving area in the new Reception Area has been completed
Update 25: 18 September 2020
Things are starting to take shape both inside and outside the new Lodge building, with the reinstatement of flag s…
Update 24: 11 September 2020
Further decoration work is being carried out inside the new Lodge, while in the area outside, the flagstones are b…
Update 23: 4 September 2020
We're now getting onto some of the works necessary to finish the project.
Update 22: 27 August 2020
Work continues on internal decorations in the renovated Lodge building
Update 21: 14 August 2020
This week, relaid flagstones have created a ramp that now provides disabled access to the student post room